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Join date: Jun 28, 2022


What To Take For Nasal Congestion With High Blood Pressure

Various topical rubs and vapor agents containing menthols, camphor, and/or eucalyptus oil appear to be somewhat effective for improving congestion symptoms associated with the common cold. 13 Topical rubs can be applied to the chest and/or throat, and vapor agents can be added to warm or hot vaporizers. They work by reducing the swelling of the blood vessels in your nose, which helps to open the airways. Examples include pseudoephedrine (sometimes called by the brand name Sudafed). Types of decongestants.

Decongestants are available as: nasal sprays; drops; tablets or capsules; liquids or syrups; flavoured powders to dissolve in hot water Nasal congestion

What To Take For Nasal Congestion With High Blood Pressure - Discount Place

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